Spotto Blog

(Un)frustrate your team

A reduction in distracting, frustrating tasks like finding needed equipment helps your whole team work smarter.

Staff locating equipment at a computer
Alan Williams

Ashley’s a professional, expert in her job, able to provide huge value to her clients when she’s face to face with them dealing with their issues. That’s why she feels deep frustration, sometimes even despair, when almost every shift she ends up having to spend 30 minutes to an hour trying to find equipment that she needs to do her job. Equipment that’s been borrowed or otherwise moved, almost always with no ill intentions, but is now ‘in the big black hole’ somewhere in her large workplace.

Ash happens to be a nurse in a busy hospital. But any worker, in any industry that ends up wasting their time doing mindless searching when they should be doing their job is building up stress, resentment and even anger because they know it should be better than this. And the effect of Ash not being as effective as she could be isn’t just on her of course, it’s on her clients (the patients) who get less of her time, and her family who have to deal with her frustrations and tiredness.

Asset location tracking can make Ash’s life a lot easier. She’ll still be crazily busy, but every moment saved to spend on her real job will make someone else’s life better and reduce frustration.

Book a free, no-obligation express chat at a time that suits you to discuss how Spotto could be a great fit for your team.