Spotto Real-time Asset Tracking
Time is precious.
Stop wasting it looking for your equipment.

Spotto is a suite of tools that reduces the time to locate your equipment, see what's near and what's missing.
Find equipment in real-time from Spotto Search.
Get a snapshot of your current asset inventory.
See what equipment is with you and what is missing.
See where equipment has gone and when it comes back.
Purpose-built solutions
Quick to setup, easy to manage and scales with you. Realise the benefits of asset visibility with Spotto.
Try the Free DemoHealthcare
Hospital staff can locate medical equipment in real-time across units, hospitals and entire districts, improving patient care by reducing the time spent finding equipment.
Equipment Loan Pools
Spotto helps Homestyle Bake reduce cost, improve operational efficiency and minimise their environmental impact by reducing plastic crate loss and replacement.
Emergency Services
Powered by Spotto, Know-Where’s Good To Go (G2G) Ready enables, NSW Fire & Rescue to perform daily equipment checks on their fire trucks in minutes.
Local Authorities
Spotto can help local authorities better manage their assets with low-cost, real-time equipment tracking and inventory checks.
Our Partners

Give it a go
Try the free demo and see how easy it is to find equipment, or schedule a chat to discuss your goals.